Studio Classes

Group Class:

30min Vinyasa & 30min yin/restorative Monday 10-11 AM CST at Move.Fit.Live $50/monthly (4 classes) or $20 drop-in rate

Studio Private:

50min Personalized to your specific needs By appointment @ Move.Fit.Live. Email for rates.

Live-Stream Yoga

Group Yoga:

1 Hour restorative/yin/gentle yoga Wednesday 7PM CST via Zoom, $48 for the month (4 classes)
4-Weeks each month for a total of 4 classes

Yoga Private:

50min session personalized to your specific needs. By appointment via Zoom. Email for rates.

Live-Stream Fitness

4-Week Fitness program: Includes 12 classes
Tues  11-11:30AM CST Upper body conditioning (4 sessions)
Wed  7-8:00PM  CST Restorative/yin/gentle yoga (4 sessions)
Thurs 11-11:30AM CST Lower body conditioning (4 sessions)
Scheduled Monthly; $80 for 12 sessions, $48 for strength training only or $48 for yoga only.

Live-Stream Guided Meditation

Tues/Thurs 11:45am CST -to Noon via Zoom
4-Weeks each month for a total of 8 meditations/mo
Scheduled monthly; $20 for 8 sessions; $10 if you are enrolled in any other Hatha Heart programs that month.

All Prices & Offerings are Subject to Change at Anytime