Mango Pistachio Chia Porridge is absolutely delicious! It is by far the most popular dish that I serve at the clinic. People lick the dish clean when I serve mango chia porridge.

Chia porridge is a great source of fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. I top it with sweetened labneh, diced mango and pistachios. It’s delicious, cool and satisfying. With Alphonso mangoes back in the grocery store, I thought I would share this wonderful recipe with you. You’re going to love it. It is super simple to make.

Mango Pistachio Chia Porridge

Mango Pistachio Chia Porridge

Recipe by Melody Tijerina
Ingredients: Serves 4

5 tbsp chia seeds, plus one teaspoon
1 tbsp maple syrup
3 drops coconut extract
1 cup water and/or coconut water


1 cup Greek yogurt or labneh
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp cardamom

2 Mangoes, chopped 1/4 c. Pistachios, chopped


Place chia seeds, maple syrup, coconut extract and water or coconut water in a mason jar or another container with a secure lid.  Stir. Place the lid and shake to completely combine. Let sit for at least 10 minutes. I like to place it in the fridge and let it sit overnight. The chia will absorb the liquid and swell creating a thick porridge like consistency.  In the morning, I just check the consistency, adding chia or liquid to get the consistency just right.  I generally have to add another teaspoon of chia. Give it a good stir to remove any lumps.


Mix yogurt or labneh with maple syrup and cardamom. Chill. I also make this the night before, but that is not necessary.


In 4 small glasses, layer the mango, chia porridge and cream. Top with mango and pistachios.