My Story
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
Lao Tzu
I was living a life that by many measures was highly successful. I worked in a competitive, corporate environment where I was being recognized, promoted and handsomely paid for my contributions. I enjoyed my life, but I soon discovered that life had something more in store for me.
My life was turned upside down when my mother, the very heart of our family, had a massive stroke. I suddenly felt the full weight of the words, “your life can change in any given moment”. The stroke was just the beginning of a very long, arduous journey that drastically impacted not only my mother, but everyone I loved the most.
The confusion, chaos and grief forced me to re-evaluate my life choices. From this place of heartache and questioning, I began the slow and tenuous process of recreating a life for myself that was more authentic, more meaningful and more loving.
Becoming a yoga and meditation teacher was not an obvious choice for me. My pragmatic, corporate-trained mind was reluctant to accept it as a viable career option. Here I am years later with hard-earned resolve to share yoga and meditation with others, because I have personally experienced the incredibly healing power of these ancient practices. My hope is that I will have the opportunity to share these practices with you.